Updates for 10-7-2019

This has been a busy week for us. Unfortunately it has not resulted in lots up updates on the website. We did get a few articles published hope to have a few more published this week.

The site has crossed over 700 views as of 10-7-2019. Given that I launched it a month ago, I am pretty glad I’ve be able to reach at least a few people in the last month. I hope the write ups and articles will be useful for people who are interested.

If you’re interested in propellants. We’ve kicked off a new series of write ups looking at smokeless propellants. I’ve broken out my microscope and camera to work through getting close up photos of propellants. I don’t have a system that I am 100% happy with so it’s a work in progress. Hopefully you will enjoy the photos.

The History Of Propellants

Powder Grain Characteristics

For those who are looking to figure out how to assess the quality of their ammunition or looking to use a Statistical Approach to measuring ammunition we have began another series looking at Quality Assurance and Quality Control. This will include write ups on Six Sigma, as well as using Statistical Process Controls to measure, assess, and troubleshoot quality problems.

What is Quality in Ammunition?

We receive the Head space gages for the VZ-58 Build this week. We are waiting on the barrel extension and muzzle brake for the barrel before we continue on with the build. I am working through the design of a fixture for pressing the barrel onto the receiver.

That is the update from the Ballistic Assistant. Thank you for taking the time to visit the site, and subscribing. If you like what you see, pass it along!

The Ballistic Assistant.

Check us out on Facebook! if you have any questions, corrections, or concerns feel free to email us at jayandrew338@gmail.com.

Updates for 10-1-2019

I’ve been working on several updates to the site. There is a new Facebook Group that is dedicated to the website. Please check it out here.

The VZ-58 Build has a couple new updates check those out below:

VZ-58: Purchasing the Parts Kit and Receiver

VZ-58: Disassembly of the Receiver Stub

VZ-58: Making the Barrel Legal

We’ve added the “What’s New Page” for posting of website updates so returning visitors can find the new stuff faster.

Updated the website header with some new photos of high speed stop action photography. New every time someone visits they should be greeted with a new photo.

Worked on adding menus to the site. Tried to better organize the Ballistic Write Ups by Topic.

Added a website emblem so and figured out how to get rid of the temp URL.

Continuing to learn WordPress and trying to figure out this Online Stuff.