Website Updates 6-8-2020

Two days ago, launched one of the greatest military operations of all time. The scale of which is unmatched in modern history. Unfortunately due to COVID, this was the first year in the 75 years since D-Day, that a memorial was not held.

Over the weekend I participated in a Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) match. While I do not own a M1 Garand, I was able to admire many marvelous examples of these historic rifles. I shot my M1A along side, a Johnson rifle, Mauser, Springfield, and other fine examples of both modern and historic military rifles. There is something about a rifle, that connects the shooter with the history, and I believe shooting it well honors those who used the rifle to preserve the free world.

This past week we did do a bit of an update. We had an opportunity to try our bullet lube, and while there are some tweaks I’d like to make to the formula, it worked splendidly. We want to try to dilute it down to from a 1:5 ratio of lube to alcohol to a 1:10. Here’s where the update was posted.

Homemade Case and Bullet Lube

The recipe I used probably made a life time of lubricant which should be good for case sizing and bullet sizing. There’s a few more tests we want to run it through, but the results are promising so far. We’ll continue to update things as we put it through it’s paces.

We still have updates to write on how polishing the Lee die went, and it’s results. It has occurred to me that if we’re going to do all the work of polishing the die, we probably ought to discuss making our own die. I suspect we can tweak this die design a little bit to make something that is as good as the Lee dies, but with a few tweaks to make things a little better.

Life continues to be busy, but we’ll continue to do our best to bring updates on our projects as I am able to work on them. As always if you have comments or suggestions please reach out to me at, or check us out on Facebook. If you want to see what we are up to in real time, we occasionally post photos on our Instagram page. Thanks to all those who subscribe!

Thanks and stay safe out there,

The Ballistic Assistant