Website Updates 6-15-2020

This past week did not go as planned. I thought I was nearly out of the woods as far as my ankle was concerned. Fate had other plans. I started getting sick on Tuesday, and by Friday I was having emergency surgery. Turns out I developed a Staph infection which pretty much knocked me on my butt, and is still kicking my butt.

As a result I have not gotten anything done in regards to the website this week. I apologize, definitely not what I was hoping to report. Such is life sometimes and I am glad the outcome is not as bad as it could have been. Even still I’ve gone back to almost square one on my healing. I’m back to crutches and have to take it pretty easy for awhile. We will try and get updates done in the mean time.

We do have some exciting news, we will be moving closer to the new job and into a place that has a proper garage and workplace. Which means for me, a little more time and independence on some of the projects I am able to work on. I am excited to be able to set up the hand loading equipment again, and work on stuff from home rather then a corner work space at work.

In the end all good news for the website. Just, with all good things, it will take some time.

That is all for the update this week. As always if you have suggestions, comments or questions you can email me directly at, check us out on Facebook or look us up on Instagram. Thanks for subscribing!

Stay safe out there!

The Ballistic Assistant

4 Replies to “Website Updates 6-15-2020”

  1. Get well soon! My ex-wife almost died of a repeating staff infection back in the 90s. Not a fun experience nor one to ignore!

    1. Thanks Dave! I’m getting better slowly but surely. Some aspects of this infection has really been worse then the original break. I appreciate the well wishes! 😉

    1. Thanks man! I appreciate it. Still limping along but we’re getting there. 🙂

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