Website Updates 12-7-2020

Good Monday Evening!

I was reviewing some of the draft write ups I had been working on and realized I did not publish the first sight in attempt on the VZ-58. I have since corrected that issue, the write up is now live and can be accessed at the following link.

VZ-58: Accuracy Expectation and Sight In (1st Attempt)

For me the big news actually comes from a sister site my wife and I have been working on. We have been wanting to set up a business offering freeze dried goods for sometime. However we now just pulled the trigger on it and the site went live this past Friday. We approach freeze drying a bit differently, where we do not freeze dry meals, but all of the ingredients so you can make your own meals. It’s a new site, we’re still working through proofing and setting things but it is live and we’ve been processing orders. You can check out the site here.

The Southeast Homestead

As far as firearms news, it’s been fairly quite over the last week, I have not seen any big announcements or new releases. I’ve been busy helping my wife with the site so I have not had time for much else. Weather wise it rained a good part of last week so even in the little free time I had I was not able to get out to test fly the drone. It’ll all happen in good time.

Just a short update for this week. As always if you are looking to get in touch, best way is to send me an email You may check us out on Parler, Facebook, Instagram, MeWe, and Reddit If you’d like to submit a load to our load database the instructions are here.

Thanks for being a Subscriber!

Stay Safe Out There!

The Ballistic Assistant