Website Updates 12-16-2019

Another Monday, the last Monday before Christmas. Have you got your holiday shopping done yet? Me neither.

This past week was quite busy, but we still managed to get a few write ups done, and cross a few things off the ToDo list. We received the wrecked Ebee from the repair shop, in pieces, and we did a quick look at the parts that go into the Ebee and see if there’s anything that would be hard to replicate in our own drone.

Photogrammetry Drone: Examining Wreckage

We also finished putting together the airframe for our own drone. There is much to be done with this drone, but this is a good first step.

Photogrammetry Drone: Airframe

Turning back to the reason for the website, we were able to process some scrap lead into ingots. Unless you’re starting with clean lead, this is usually the first step in casting your own bullets. Here’s how we do it.

Turning Scrap Lead Into a Resource

That’s been our week. I’ll be taking a holiday break for 2 weeks, so there will be no new updates during that time. I’ll expect to have new updates by the second or third week of the new year. Thanks again for being a subscriber, and we hope to continue to bring you interesting content through 2020!

As always if you have any comments, questions or concerns, please email me at, or reach out to us on Facebook.

Happy Holidays!

The Ballistic Assistant