Website Updates 11-18-2019

This week has been a busy week for me, and while I was able to make some progress on the projects, I haven’t been able to do a whole lot else. So if there doesn’t seem to be as much of a variety of posts, this would be why.

Fair warning, we in the United States are moving into the Holiday Season. All sorts of chaos ensues during this time of year, and that usually makes money tight, and time short. As a result many of the projects I am working on will slow down. We will be rolling out several new project pages over the next few weeks, some of these will be related to shooting/gun smithing, others will be unrelated to the hobby, but are projects that I am undertaking for work.

Given that the projects maybe slow, I’ll be working on more articles that focus on the manufacturing side of ammunition development and production.

This past week we made some more progress on getting the gremlins out of the VZ-58. Here’s a few write ups on what we did, and how it improved things.

VZ-58: Feed Ramp Addition

VZ-58: Anti-Walk Pins

VZ-58: Steel Case Ammo Issues

A new project that I’ll be working on is getting a old commercial Mauser shooting like it should. We’ll be doing some work on that this week.

Pawn Shop 30-06: Introduction

We introduced the project page for the Junk Mauser to 308 Scout Rifle, but I have yet to provide a formal introduction to that. We’ll be working through that this week. This should be an interesting project.

Do you have suggestions, comments or concerns? Shoot me an email at or check us out on Facebook!

Thanks for subscribing!

The Ballistic Assistant

2 Replies to “Website Updates 11-18-2019”

  1. New subscriber here. Don’t worry about trying to put something ‘new’ up on a set schedule. When you have new stuff…and time, post it. Some of us prefer quality over quantity. Been a reloader for almost 40 years, but you have given me a new way at looking at some things.

    1. Thanks for the feedback!

      Most everything I do goes live as soon as I am finished putting it together, I just put together a update once a week to let everyone know what new pages have been published, and what new things might be coming up. When I publish it as a page, people do not get an email notification, I figure this keeps me from spamming people. Let me know if there’s a better way to do it, I am very new to the blog/website world!

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