Website Updates 1-4-2021

Happy New Year! Honestly, I’m what they call a bit of a curmudgeon when it comes to holidays. I did not stay up to midnight, or do anything special. Went to bed the usual time and woke up the next day as per the usual. The only difference to me was having to remember to write 2021 on everything. We have been working on bringing new content to the website, here’s some of what went live last week.

If you are like me and are a fan of military surplus rifles, you may appreciate this book. I bought this book as I wanted to get a better understanding on what I could do to tighten up the groups on my Lee Enfield. I found it to be extremely helpful with some idea’s that I would never had thought of on my own. You can read my full thoughts on the book here. Thoughts On: The 2012 Complete Book on Lee Enfield Accurizing

Clicking on this picture will take you to Amazon to purchase the book. A small percentage of the sale will help to support the website.

We continue work on the Shotgun & Pistol Powder Catalog it’s not quite 100% where I want it before moving on to the Magnum Pistol Powder Catalog, if you have not checked it out please do. In the future we will be adding individual entries that will have additional information such as densities and pictures of the grain. We just want to get the majority of the powders listed.

I continue to do write ups on some of my favorite cartridge. This week we’ve taken a look at the 338 Spectre, a proprietary cartridge that is supported primarily by Southern Ballistic Research (SBR). I’ve done a bit of work with it, built an AR chambered in it, done some initial load work ups, but am not done playing with it yet. It’s a fun cartridge that offers a bit more versatility then some wildcat cartridge’s out there.

In keeping with the cartridge highlights, I have set up a page regarding some of my Favorite Firearms and Firearms of Interest. The rules are the same, if I own and enjoy shooting it, it becomes a Favorite Firearm, (Some guns I own, are more of a “meh” and do not make the list) if I’m interested in the firearm but do not own it, it’s a firearm of interest. I do a fair amount of research into the firearms I own, and the ones I’m interested in. So this is an opportunity for me to share it with everyone, who may have similar interests.

That is all I for the updates this week. As always if you are looking to get in touch, best way is to send me an email You may check us out on Parler, Facebook, Instagram, MeWe, and Reddit If you’d like to submit a load to our load database the instructions are here.

Stay Safe Out There!

The Ballistic Assistant

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