Website Updated 4-27-2020

Unfortunately there was no updated over the past week. I did work on some content for the website but did not finish any of it to the point where it is publishable. The one hurdle I am running into is images to use for the site. As much as possible I try to use images that are examples I have on hand.

Occasionally I do use stock images of products that are from websites such as Midway, Brownell, or the Manufacturers own website. However when it comes to cracks on brass, or showing the burr’s after trimming brass, I’d like to use my own photos. With this broken leg, I have been severely limited in my ability to take photos since most of my examples are not at the house with me.

Perhaps this is a long way to share that the next few weeks will be a bit slow in updates. I’ll do what I can but until things heal up to where I get clearance from the doc to drive myself places, I’m stuck with what I have on hand.

With all of that said I hope everyone is keeping sane with the “Stay at home” orders. In my case this is probably the best time could have broken my leg. With that said, I very much wish I could be outside enjoying this spring weather.

As always, if you want to reach out to me my email is, or you can check out the Facebook page. Feel free to share what you are doing to the kill the time during this unprecedented period of self isolation.


The Ballistic Assistant